The University of Wisconsin Nutrient and Pest Management Program (NPM) and Integrated Pest Management Program (IPM)—work to bring research-based information regarding Wisconsin farm profits, water quality, pest management, pesticide use practices, and nutrient management planning to Wisconsin farmers and landowners.
The Wisconsin Crop Manager newsletter is moving. The WCM email list signup is shown below. Current subscribers will continue to receive the new WCM emails. If you currently receive the WCM email, you don’t need to sign-up again.
There are over 150 IPCM videos on our YouTube channel. A few popular videos are shown below.
The IPCM website is processing a major update. Links to NPM publications are in transition. Visit the publications pages on this website to find new URLs as they become available. Some older links in print or on other websites may need to be updated. Thank you for your patience!
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Visual Guide to Corn Development