Wisconsin Pest Bulletin, May 24 2012 Issue No. 7 of the Wisconsin Pest Bulletin is now available at: http://datcpservices.wisconsin.gov/pb/index.jsp PRINT THIS ISSUE I N S I D E T H I S I S S U …
What’s New?
Wisconsin Hosts the 2012 North American Manure Expo- August 22, 2012
Wisconsin Hosts the 2012 North American Manure Expo- August 22, 2012 If you are interested in the latest equipment and technology for professional manure management, plan to attend the 2012 North American Manure Expo on …
……And the 2012 Wisconsin CCA of the Year is!!!!!!!!!!!!
……And the 2012 Wisconsin CCA of the Year is!!!!!!!!!!!! Cyndi Heath! Cyndi is one of the lead Agronomist for Black’s Valley Ag Supply , Durand. Cyndi was nominated by Hannah Brion and coworkers because of …
Wisconsin Pest Bulletin, May 17 update
Krista Hamilton, Survey Entomologist, DATCP Issue No. 6 of the Wisconsin Pest Bulletin is now available at: http://datcpservices.wisconsin.gov/pb/index.jsp http://datcpservices.wisconsin.gov/pb/pdf/05-17-12.pdf LOOKING AHEAD: European corn borer egg laying underway FORAGES & GRAINS: Potato leafhopper counts mostly below-threshold …
Wisconsin Pest Bulletin for May 3, 2012
A new issue of the Wisconsin Pest Bulletin from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection is now available. The Wisconsin Pest Bulletin provides up-to-date pest population estimates, pest distribution and development data, …
Wisconsin Pest Bulletin for April 26, 2012
The second issue of the Wisconsin Pest Bulletin from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection is now available. The Wisconsin Pest Bulletin provides up-to-date pest population estimates, pest distribution and development data, …
NPM on internet event UW-Right-Now
NPM on internet event UW-Right-Now Roger Schmidt, NPM and IPM technology specialist UW-Madison’s communications office setup a multimedia internet project to chronicle “24 hours of UW-Madison life” via Twitter, messages, pictures, and short videos. A …
IPM Toolkit app for iPhones and iPad
IPM Toolkit Now Available for iPhones and iPad Roger Schmidt and Paul Esker Integrated Pest Management Program, University of Wisconsin It is with great pleasure that we take this opportunity to announce the launch …
All 2011 Crop Manager articles compiled in one PDF
The complete 2011 Wisconsin Crop Manager Volume 18 is now available on our website as a single PDF. The first four pages are a Table of Contents listing every article and the page number it …
Mobile Web Tools For Extension Outreach
Roger Schmidt, Information Technology Specialist, Nutrient and Pest Management Program, UW-Madison Abstract Mobile internet use is changing how global and local agriculture operate and expand their businesses. This article will discuss how the University of …