As rewarding as it is to recognize a new class of CCA’s it is equally rewarding to recognize a class of Certified Professional Agronomists (CPAg) who have been certified for 20 years or more! Please …
Content from Bryan Jensen
Congratulations to Wisconsin CCA’s Achieving Full Certification!
On behalf of the Wisconsin CCA board, we would like to offer our congratulations and warmest wishes to 2013 Class of CCA’s. These individuals have passed the state and international exams, completed the required amount …
Certified Crop Advisor recognition
Bryan Jensen, IPM Program On behalf of the Wisconsin Certified Crop Adviser Board, we would like to congratulate and recognize those CCA’s who have recently surpassed their 20th anniversary as a Certified Crop Advisor. Please …
Webinar: Corn Rootworm Management in the Transgenic Era
Bryan Jensen, IPM Program A free webinar is being offered by the North Central Region’s extension and research entomologists on February 20, 2014. Several speakers will present timely topics which are listed below. The webinar …
UW-River Falls Field Scout Training Class
Bryan Jensen, IPM Program The University of Wisconsin-River Falls, UW-Extension and the Integrated Pest Management Program are co-sponsoring the IPM Field Scout Training Class which will be held March 19-20 on the UW-River Falls campus. …
WAPAC Consultant’s Breakfast Forum: Thursday, January 16
Please join the Wisconsin Association of Professional Agricultural Consultants (WAPAC) for their 22nd annual Breakfast Forum. The forum will be held in conjunction with the Wisconsin Crop Management Conference in the Monona/Wingra rooms of the …
CCA Luncheon: Tuesday, January 14
The WI CCA Board is hosting a luncheon for all CCA’s on Tuesday, January 14 starting at 11:00 am (prior to the start of the Wisconsin Crop Management Conference). The cost is free to CCA’s …
2014 IPM Field Scout Training Class
Bryan Jensen, IPM Program A reminder! The Madison Field Scout Training Classes will be held on the UW Madison Campus from January 6-10, 2014. This 4 day course (Friday is an exam day and non-students …
Nominations still open for 2014 Wisconsin CCA of the Year
Bryan Jensen, IPM Program Yes, Joe Brown is the 2013 WI CCA of the Year. But who will be the 2014 WI CCA of the Year? Nobody if you don’t take the time to nominate …
Joe Brown! 2013 Wisconsin CCA of the Year!
Bryan Jensen, IPM Program Please join us by welcoming Joe Brown as the 2013 Wisconsin CCA of the Year. Joe works for Pioneer Hi-Bred and …