Bryan Jensen, UW Extension and IPM Program
A quick reminder that the WI CCA Board is accepting nomination for the WI CCA of the Year Award until March 1, 2019. This award will recognize an exceptional CCA that is highly motivated and a leader in their field. To qualify, a person must be a CCA in good standing (holds a current CCA certification) and have a completed nomination form submitted by the deadline.
Customers, employees, colleagues or other associates may nominate a candidate. The selection committee is comprised of current WI CCA Board. Nominations will be evaluated solely on the information provided in the nomination form and accompanying letters of recommendation. Two letters of reference are required along with a completed Nomination Form. Pay close attention to indicated character limits for each question. Electronic submissions are preferred but not required. Nomination criteria, Tips and a Nomination Checklist should help with preparation.
For questions or comments please contact Bryan Jensen, bmjense1@wisc.edu