Michael Geissinger, Will Fulwider, Chris Bandura, John Jones, and Andrew Stammer
Heard about the Haney test and want to learn more about how it might be used in Wisconsin? Listen in while Michael Geissinger, NPM Specialist, and Will Fulwider, Regional Crops Educator, chat with leading UW researchers and outreach specialists Chris Bandura, John Jones, and Andrew Stammer on this topic. We dive in deep discussing how the Haney test can be used practically on-farm, how it calculates fertility recommendations differently than other soil tests, and what that means for Wisconsin cropping systems.
Link to full episode: https://cropsandsoils.extension.wisc.edu/articles/field-notes-episode-17-interpreting-the-haney-test-for-wisconsin/
Also available wherever you listen to podcasts. Search “Field Notes UW Extension.”