Considerations of Landspreading Milk

Some Wisconsin dairy farmers have been asked by their processors to withhold delivery of milk, resulting in the need for milk or milk/manure mixtures to be applied to cropland. To help farmers who are—or may soon be—facing this situation, UW–Madison Division of Extension, the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, and the UW Nutrient & Pest Management (NPM) Program, along with partner agencies are providing resources to assist farmers in making decisions.

Consideration of Landspreading of Milk webinar  and presentation slides. The webinar was hosted on April 7 and the topics covered are:

The full recording of the webinar and additional information relating to this can be found at the following website along with a UW Nutrient & Pest Management Program publication that addresses agronomic and environmental considerations in emergency spreading of milk and milk/manure mixtures.