Badger Crop Connect, September 29 , 8:30 AM
– 9:30 AM CT
Register by 12:00 PM on Sept 28 at https://go.wisc.edu/663pwi
In the interest of bringing you timely crop updates, Badger Crop Connect is hosting a final session for this growing season. There will be a Special Edition morning webinar on pest management for the 2021 growing season. Bring a cup of coffee and join us on September 29th. Note the 8:30 am start time!
Badger Crop Connect is a crop production webinar series developed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension Crops and Soils Program for the 2020 growing season. Badger Crop Connect’s goal is to bring agronomists, crops consultants and farmers timely crop updates for Wisconsin.
Considerations for Crop Trait Selection and Disease, Insect and Weed Management in 2021
Presented by:
- Damon Smith, UW-Madison Extension Crop Pathologist
- Bryan Jensen, UW Madison Crop Entomologist
- Rodrigo Werle, UW-Madison Extension Weed Specialist
Pre-registration is required –Connection link will be sent on Sept 28 by 5:00 PM. Please register for this free webinar at https://go.wisc.edu/663pwi
Resources from the webinar will be posted to this website https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/grain/badger-crop-connection/
Please direct any questions to Extension Agriculture Educators Mike Ballweg michael.ballweg@wisc.edu or Dan Marzu dan.marzu@wisc.edu
This program is sponsored by University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension with special support from the following Extension Educators: Mike Ballweg, Sheboygan County, Dan Marzu Lincoln and Langlade Counties, Nick Baker Rock County, Josh Kamps Lafayette County, Jerry Clark Chippewa County and Kimberly Schmidt Shawano County.