Damon Smith, Professor and Extension Specialist, Plant Pathology Dept; Director, Nutrient and Pest Management Program
The 2024 growing season looks to be challenged by not only weather, but by prices. Producing grain in years when profit margins are low can be very tricky. When managing complicated agricultural production problems we are tempted to find a silver bullet, a one-stop shop, a cure-all or just some good old luck! Resist this temptation and use research and knowledge to navigate these situations.
The publication “Grain Management Considerations in Low-Margin Years” offers helpful considerations for navigating economically challenging times. There is also a companion video series that expands on possible solutions to alleviate some of the stress created by tight margins on your grain farm. As always, if you still have questions after reviewing these resources, don’t hesitate to reach out to your local Extension personnel or “Ask an Ag Question” online.