Boots on the Ground: Validation of benchmarking process through an integrated on-farm partnership
Analysis of producer survey data performed during our previous 3-year NCSRP-funded bench marking project revealed: (1) an average yield gap of 20-30% between current farmer yield and potential yield as determined by climate, soil, and genetics, and (2) a number of agronomic practices that, for a given soil-climate context, can be fine-tuned to close the gap and improve soybean producer profit.
- In the 2020 crop season, the improved management treatment netted soybean producers an average of 3.2 bu/ac yield increase and $31/ac additional profit.
- Growers should consider improving their soybean management by fine tuning planting date, maturity group, seeding rate, and foliar fungicide and insecticide application.
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Project team: Dr. Shawn P. Conley (Principal Co-Investigator) University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, Wisconsin; Dr. Patricio Grassini (Principal Co-Investigator) University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Nebraska; Dr. Jose F. Andrade; Dr. Spyros Mourtzinis; Dr. Juan I. Rattalino Edreira; John Gaska (WI), Dr. Laura Lindsey(OH), Dr. Maninder Singh (MI); Scott Nelson (IA); Hans Kandel (ND); Seth Naeve (MN); Laura Thompson and Keith Glewen (NE)