Agronomy and Soils Field Day
Wednesday August 31, 2022
UW-Arlington Agricultural Research Station
Pre-registration is free and appreciated. Please register by August 17.
or call 608-262-0485
8:00 Check-in
8:30 Load for field tours 40 minutes per stop (3-4), 10 min presentations, Q&A 10 min
- Pest Management in a Changing Climate
- Keeping up with disease management in an uncertain climate
- Earlier migrations and more generations: Insect pests in a changing climate
- Impact of extreme weather events on weed ecology and management
- Climate-plus Agriculture
- Soil Carbon
- Challenges of nitrogen management in Wisconsin cropping system
- Perennial cover reduces flooding downstream
- Cover Crops and Soil Health
- Fighting weeds with covers
- Rye cover crops: where does the nitrogen go?
- National projects on cover crops
- Soil health across production systems
- Using Technology to Drive Yield, Big Data
- Using data-driven knowledge for profitable soybean management systems
- Current state of unmanned aerial system (UAS) technology in production agriculture settings
- Advances in maize kernel characterization methods and its applications
Lunch available for $10, provided by WAPAC
Certified Crop Advisors 4.0 CEU credits requested
Read the full article at: https://coolbean.info/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2022/08/AgronomyFieldDay2022_final.pdf