Integrating New Ag technologies
Agronomy/Soils Field Day flyer, click here.
Wednesday August 30, 2023
UW-Arlington Agricultural Research Station
Please register by August 17: CLICK HERE
or call 608-262-0485
8:00 Check-in, Pre-registration is free and appreciated.
8:30 Load for field tours
New Technologies in Field Crops: What the ROI?
- Joe Lauer – “Short Corn: The Future of Corn Production?” 10 minutes total
- UW BeanTeam: Time to Sharpen that Pencil! 10 minutes total
- Shelby Ellison: Midwestern Hemp Research Collaborative – Grain and Fiber Trial Updates: 10 minutes total
- Q&A 10 min total
Integrating New Technologies for Pest Management
- Emily Bick – insect detection and other smart traps 10 min total
- Rodrigo Werle – update on smart sprayers (green-on-green applications) and weed detection maps with drones (Zhang’s efforts) 10 min total
- Damon Smith & Brian Luck – fungicide applications with drones 10 min total
- Q&A 10 min total
Alfalfa interseeded into corn silage: Ready for farm trials
- John Grabber: alfalfa interseeded into corn system (overview of the system, motivation) (10 min)
- Mark Renz and Marta Kohmann: efforts in weed management and manure application in demonstration plots (20 min)
- Q&A 10 min total
What Your Crops Need: Nutrient Management Tech
- Xia Zhu-Barker & Josh Mirabella: Assessing manure-based products’ impact on silage corn nitrogen dynamics and environmental footprint
- John Jones: In-season nutrient management and remote sensing of nutrient-specific deficiencies
- Francisco Arriaga- Phosphorus in runoff: Dairy manure applica- tion method and cover crop amounts
- Matt Ruark: Cover crops: they’re like “tech” but better
12:00 Lunch! Lunch available for $10 sponsored by WAPAC
Certified Crop Advisors, 4.0 CEU credits requested.