2023 Wisconsin Soybean Performance Trials, A3654

The Wisconsin Soybean Performance Trials are conducted each year with the producer’s needs in mind. Our objective is to give producers the information to select varieties that will satisfy their specific goals and are most likely to
perform best under their management practices. >>> Link to 2023 PDF <<<

Growing conditions

Wisconsin soybean growers experienced below average growing conditions across much of the state in 2023. Normal precipitation in April and May coupled with average temperatures led to normal soybean planting timing. Statewide drought-like conditions and above normal temperatures were a significant challenge to the 2023 soybean crop. The 2023 projected statewide average soybean yield is 44.0 bu/A, down 10 bu/A from 2022. Production is expected to be at 91.1 million bushels, down 22% from 2022. Source: October 12, 2023 NASS report, www.nass.usda.gov Statewide crop conditions were rated at about 53% good to excellent for most of the season. As of October 30th, 77% of the WI soybean crop had been harvested, which is 2 days ahead of the average. The Seymour site was rated for white mold and the glyphosate tolerant trial in Arlington was excluded from the southern region multi-test average yield due to high field variability from drought conditions.

Here is a link to the webpage with the multiple years of historical data: https://coolbean.info/soybean-research/variety-trial-results/

Authors: Shawn P. Conley, Adam C. Roth, John M. Gaska, and Damon L. Smith Departments of Plant and Agroecosystem Sciences and Plant Pathology University of Wisconsin, Madison